REPHRASING FOR PAU EXAM.doc - Documentos de Google
VERBS FOR REPORTED SPEECH 1 2 REPHRASING: AFFIRMATIVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 REPHRASING: QUESTIONS: 1 2 3 REPHRASING: IMPERATIVE 1 2 MIXED SENTENCES 1 2 Rephrasing :: Elenacharrita REPHRASING PAST-PRESENT PERFECT.doc (24 kB) REPHRASING MODALS-INFINITIVES-GERUNDS.doc (26,5 kB) REPHRASING QUESTIONS-MISCELANEA.doc (28,5 kB) REPHRASING CONDITIONALS-WISH.doc (28,5 kB) Reported speech rephrasing.doc (39 kB) REPRHRASING RELATIVES-CONNECTORS.doc (30 kB) REPHRASING PASSIVE-CAUSATIVE.doc (24,5 kB) Use of English in … Reported Speech Exercises - Perfect English Grammar Reported Speech Exercises. Here's a list of all the reported speech exercises on this site: (Click here to read the explanations about reported speech) Reported Statements: Present Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here) Present Continuous Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF … Rephrasing - Reported speech - XTEC
Reporting Verbs Exercise - Reporting Verbs Exercise advise hope promise suggest beg insist remind threaten deny invite refuse warn Fill the gaps using the verbs in the box. Use each verb once only. 1 "I didn't do it," she said. She .. .. doing it. 2 "Have lunch with me," she said. Reported speech for the B2 First - Tiny Tefl Teacher Reported speech and reporting verbs. You will need to know the rules for reporting speech (statements and questions) as well as the patterns following reporting verbs (e.g. "apologise for doing something"). If you need more information about these rules, look at my lessons for reported speech… Conditionals and unreal tenses in indirect speech | Grammaring Home » Topics » Indirect speech » Changes in indirect speech » Conditionals and unreal tenses in indirect speech. Conditionals and unreal tenses in indirect speech. conditionals. indirect speech. IF. When we report conditionals and statements that refer to unreal situations, some tenses and modals may change if the reported words are no English Exercises: Rephrasing Exercises
Answers to Reporting Verbs Exercise 1 1. Antonio reminded Lucia to buy milk. 2. The coast guard advised against going into the water. 3. John decided to go to France on holiday. 4. Julie advised Tom to go to the dentist. 5. He warned us about the weak bridge. 6. Jack encouraged Stella to apply for the job. 7. 1º C BACHILLERATO - blogdeinglés linkers document (useful).zip . (1177k) Elena MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, REPORTED SPEECH - ENGLISH EL VALLE REPORTED SPEECH STATEMENTS 1) Emily: "Our teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow." 2) Helen: "I was writing a letter yesterday." 3) Robert: "My father flew to Dallas last year." 4) Lisa: "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago." 5) Patricia: "My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend." 6) Michael: "I am going to read a book this week."1 English ESL Reported speech: Reporting verbs worksheets ...
Phrase in Direct Speech, Equivalent in Reported Speech. Simple present, Simple past. "I always drink coffee", she said, She said that she always drank coffee.
Bachillerato - GRAMMAR: REPORTED SPEECH REPHRASING. REPORTED SPEECH SUFFIXATION. TENSES. TESTING CRITERIA. UNIT 1. UNIT 2. Vocabulary Practice Answers. Web Practice. WRITING. More-GRAMMAR: REPORTED SPEECH Al pasar una oración de "Direct Speech" a "Reported Speech", se deben realizar una serie de cambios. CAMBIOS EN: 1º EN LOS TIEMPOS VERBALES. 2º VERBOS MODALES. ADVANCED (C1) – English Grammar Scroll down and check all the possibilities before you make your choice BIBLIOGRAPHY: · Guide to Grammar and Writing · Online English Grammar · Upper-Intermediate exe… Rephrasing Passive Voice - IES ALFONSO X EL SAB Rephrasing Passive Voice Rewrite these sentences so their meaning doesn’t change, the beginning is given 1. A jeep picked up the soldiers from the base. The soldiers…were picked up from the base by a jeep. 2. We ought to invite Susan to the party. Susan…should be invited to the party. 3. The police took the angry youth away.